Conveying ideas and communicating by writing brings enjoyment. As a result Manfred is author of a number of books, hundreds of blog posts, and numerous other publications.
Trino: The Definitive Guide, 2nd edition, Matt Fuller, Manfred Moser and Martin Traverso, O’Reilly Media, October 2022
Trino: The Definitive Guide, Matt Fuller, Manfred Moser and Martin Traverso, O’Reilly Media, April 2021
Presto: The Definitive Guide, 1st edition, Matt Fuller, Manfred Moser and Martin Traverso, O’Reilly Media, April 2020
Repository Management with Nexus, Sonatype, Main author and maintainer over many years
The Hudson Book, Eclipse Foundation, Oracle, and Sonatype, main author in collaboration with Tim O’Brien
Maven: The Complete Reference and Maven by Example, Author of Android chapter and book maintainer over many years
Blog posts
Writing blog posts started with my first website in 1996, and has since spread to posts on this website and many, many more on other private and public websites for organizations like CloudBees, DZone, Eclipse Foundation, Oracle, Salesforce, Starburst, Sonatype, Takari, Telus, Trino Software Foundation, Walmart Labs, and others.
When it comes to the tools of the trade to write, Manfred prefers to stick to his background. Plain text, simple markup language, and software development tools like editors and version control systems keep the distractions at bay and allow me to concentrate on the the content.