Android Maven Plugin 4.4.1 Released

It has been a while since the last release of the Android Maven Plugin, and things like holidays and setting up a new computer got into the way. But now I am all up and running on a Kubuntu VM for my development. So much better than using OSX! I am glad to be back in Linux land for all my development. Even if it is on a VM running on a OSX. Thanks to Oracle and VirtualBox that is possible. And there were a LOT of contributions since the 4.3.0 release and I ran into some trouble with 4.4.0 so here you have the changelog for the shiny, new 4.4.1 release.

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CLS, OSCON and Devoxx4Kids

This year is was time again to attend the Community Leadership Summit and OSCON. Taking my boys along I took the opportunity to attend and help at the Devoxx4Kids event as well. During OSCON I attended a whole lot of interesting session through a wide array of topics and presented myself as well. Read more →

ksoap2-android 3.4.0 and next steps

Since April 2010 when I took over ownership of the ksoap2-android project, a lot of bug fixes and minor improvements have gone into the project from myself and other contributors. Even though the project is really only in maintenance mode it is still a major choice for anybody having to access SOAP web-services in an Android application. This is what originally got me to use, enhance and in the end adopt and manage the project.

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Android Maven Plugin 4.0.0 ships

I can’t believe how time flies. The Android Maven Plugin’s first commits happened in 2008 shortly after the Android Beta release. My first commits are from October 2009. That was when Android 1.6 was new and shiny. Since then a lot has happened in the Android ecosystem and everyone, including your grandma, knows about Android. For the Android Maven Plugin and my involvement the same applies and now it is time to celebrate our 4.0.0 release.

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Android Development Growing Up – Fireside Chat at AnDevCon 5

time is here again and for the first time the greatest Android conference from developers for developers is moving to the east coast. I am back as well and will be making my way to Boston. And of course I will be running the fireside chat event again! By now the fireside chats are an important and well loved event at each AnDevCon. They allow the attendees to exchange ideas and ask their peers and a number of pros on the panel questions in an open format. This time Robert Green of Battery Powered Games fame will join me as co-host for a very interesting topic….

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Jenkins User Conference SF and JavaOne 2012

Despite plans on no more conferences this year earlier I ended up presenting about Sonatype Insight for CI at the Jenkins User Conference in SF and help with the Sonatype booth and customers at JavaOne. And my short feedback quote even ended on the conference blog as the top quote. Winston and Duncan presented about Hudson best practices with my input for the slides that you should check out as well. And last but not least if you want to find out more you should join us at the upcoming VIJUG meeting – Java One Debrief.

Update: A video recording of the talk at the JUC is now available as well!

You don’t do Repository Driven Development yet? Where have you been?

I have been doing a lot of software development and related work by now and there are some things I just don’t get. One of them is “Why are people not using repositories more?” and practice what I would call Repository Driven Development (RDD sic!). Once you are using them, the benefits are just so obvious, that it is hard to imagine why you would not want to allow easy reuse of your artifacts, seemless distribution, ease of use for your end users and more. But let’s step back for a second and start at the beginning. Read more →