ksoap2-android meets okhttp

The ksoap2-android project has been in mostly maintenance mode for a long time, but it is still receiving lots of usage. Recently a very useful improvement came up in discussions around HTTP connections issues. The robust and powerful OKHttp library can be used to create an alternative transport. With the new 3.6.1 release I just created recently, you now have access to transport and service connection classes that use the latest OKHttp release. This will make your SOAP service connection more reliable across devices.

And it will also allow us to improve this even further – so what are you waiting for. Send me your own improvements.

Progressive Organization POM 5.0.0 Released

This time it is just a quick heads up post. I have released version 5.0.0 of my progressive-organization-pom project. It is a Maven POM that manages the plugin versions of numerous popular and useful plugins to the latest available versions.

The release brings numerous core Maven plugin updates and an number of others. Check out the changelog and the documentation for more info. And importantly, let me know if you are using the project.

Easy Publishing to the Central Repository

I have been doing a lot of video tutorials in the past year or more. I should probably write about my tips on how to do that some time – not today though. Today I want to introduce you to a series of videos that will help you with publishing your artifacts to the Central Repository. After authoring a lot of the content for the Central Repository documentation, we set out to produce a short video series.

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