On FLOSS Weekly about Presto/Trino

I have been watching the FLOSS Weekly video podcast on and off for many years now. It was a special treat to be a guest of Randal yesterday. Together with Dain Sundstrom we talked about Presto and tried to answer the questions from Randal, co-host Simon Phipps and the audience on the live chat. It was great to be a guest and spread the word about Presto and our book Presto: The Definitive Guide.

Check out the recording on TWIT now!

Talking to them made me think of the open source efforts for Java and my attendance of Java One and chatting with Simon then. Time flies!

Free Book No. 5 – Presto The Definitive Guide

I was always an avid reader, maxing out the number of books allowed for checkout from the library with each visit. And if I had the time I would still read as many books as way back when I was a teen. Now my boys read about that much, and I can not keep up. Back then I would have never thought that I ever pivot to writing books. Although my school reports already went long, and I could easily write dozens of pages in a report. Hopefully without too much rambling 😉

Wow … re-reading the stuff you wrote not long ago again and again is exhausting. But it is one of the steps necessary when you write a book. And by my own count I am now at book number five: Presto: The Definitive Guide

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