Meeting old and new friends in Seattle

Manfred at Open Source Summit NA 2023

Wow, has it really been a year that I went to Open Source Summit NA in Vancouver? Turns out this year the event is again close to me, and across the water from Victoria, BC. With that in mind I will take the opportunity to meet many old and new friends from the open source community again at the Open Source Summit NA 2024 in Seattle.

The summit is always an aggregation of many communities with an open source focus and extending into different topics. The range of these is truly impressive, and spans topics for everyone. I will dip into all the communities I have been involved in over the years including security and software supply chain, OSPOs and open source leadership, big data and AI, cloud, CD/DevOps and others. Mainly I will be there representing Trino and Starburst and connect to users in hallway chats. If you want to meet, just contact me.

On Thursday, after all the action of the summit, I will hop on over to the Data Engineer Things meetup and present a Big Data Whirlwind Tour, with a Trino and personal experience perspective. I will bring some copies of my book Trino: The Definitive Guide and be available for question before, during, and after the meeting. Really looking forward to it.

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