Trino The Definitive Guide 2nd edition

It is done. After weeks of updating, verifying, and working with the awesome team at O’Reilly, the second edition of Trino: The Definitive Guide is now about to go into print. You can already preorder the new version on, and other vendors. By next week you should be able to get at least a digital copy. And if you get yourself to Trino Summit 2022 in San Francisco, you can drop by the Starburst booth for a chat with Martin, Matt, and myself and get a signed hardcopy.

Creating this new second edition allowed us to update the book and the examples repository to a new version of Trino and adapt all the configuration files, code snippets, and more. We are now at Trino version 392 for the book. With the rapid release cycle of Trino we are a few releases behind, but the examples and queries all work.

Besides small cosmetic fixes and addressing all the errata, the new edition also brings a number of updates. Importantly Trino now uses Java 17. I added more information about views and the differences between different views. I address the modern approach of creating a lakehouse with a modern table format such as Iceberg and taking advantage of the relevant Trino Iceberg connector.

Trino also saw numerous improvements around clients with the help from Starburst and other contributors. We now have a really solid trino-python-client, a dbt-trino integration, even better Airflow integration, and support for various open source clients like Metabase and commercial tools like PowerBI, Tableau and others.

Overall I am proud and glad that you can all get your hands on a book about Trino. No matter how familiar you are with Trino, you will be able to learn something new from the book.

My thanks go out to Martin and Matt for working with me on the book. I am also grateful for the help I received from other Trino committers and maintainers, including all the writers on my information engineering team. Special shout out goes to Mateusz “Serafin” Gajewski for getting Java 17 support over the finish line in time. On the Starburst side my greatest thanks go out to Jess Iandiorio, Mandy Darnell, and Anna Schibli for help with the book and Trino Summit 2022, and Brian Olsen and Cole Bowden from my Trino developer relations team for spreading the word about Trino in all aspects. There are a lot of great people at Starburst to work with and learn from – you should consider joining. Starburst is hiring.

Last but not least, Starburst is giving away free digital copies of the book to everyone. Go and get yours now!

On a last note for Michelle Cronin, Kristen Brown, Andy Kwan, Suzanne Huston and everyone else at O’Reilly. Thank you so much for all your help. Without you this would not have gone out as well as it did. I am looking forward to many readers, and maybe even some translated versions. And you never know.. maybe we end up doing another book some time in the future.

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