Easy Publishing to the Central Repository

I have been doing a lot of video tutorials in the past year or more. I should probably write about my tips on how to do that some time – not today though. Today I want to introduce you to a series of videos that will help you with publishing your artifacts to the Central Repository. After authoring a lot of the content for theĀ Central Repository documentation, we set out to produce a short video series.

In this series of 8 episodes we picked up on the common misconception and problems, encountered by the Sonatype operations team. With this input we settled on the following episodes:

I wrote the story board for them, recorded them and edited them ready for publication. Thanks to Mark Miller uploading them and integrating them into the Nexus community site, they are now available to you all. The sample project can be found on github. You should check it out.

With those in mind you will see even better, that publishing to the Central Repository really is easy.

Update: Actual access to the video requires a free registration with the Nexus community site. This is beyond my control to change. The videos will hopefully linked directly form the central documentation site soon.

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