It has been a while since the last release of the Android Maven Plugin, and things like holidays and setting up a new computer got into the way. But now I am all up and running on a Kubuntu VM for my development. So much better than using OSX! I am glad to be back in Linux land for all my development. Even if it is on a VM running on a OSX. Thanks to Oracle and VirtualBox that is possible. And there were a LOT of contributions since the 4.3.0 release and I ran into some trouble with 4.4.0 so here you have the changelog for the shiny, new 4.4.1 release.
So without further ado – the Android Maven Plugin team is pleased to announce the release of version 4.4.1 of the plugin.
New Features and Bug Fixes
- Make manifest merging less verbose
- Fix for gdbserver on NDK version r10e
- Fix building with debug mode and raw file directories
- Fix continuous integration(use Travis Android support and enable/update ITs)
- Fix issue in which duplicate files were added to the APK
- Fixes for provided apk dependency for instrumentation tests
- Allow to upload one than one locale for Play store publishing
- XpathAppendingTransformer moved package
- Added option to ApkMojo and DexMojo
- Instrumentation example documentation
- Include transitive dependencies when merging Proguard rules
- Support emma code coverage for aar and apklib projects
- Device connect and disconnect mojo improvements
- Example project and documentation for build configuration injection
- Added testFailSafe option to allows build to continue even if IT tests fail (e.g. for cleanup)
- Fixed inclusion of arm64-v8a libraries in APKs
- Upgraded SDK tool libraries 24.5.0 and 1.5.0
- Ensure duplicates are extracted from outputfolder and handle multiple jar files with same name correctly
- Various dependency updates
- MorseflashExample dependency updates
We would like to thank the contributors to this release for their valuable help and invite you all to help us out as well. Specifically for this release we would like to thank the following contributors for their awesome work on this release.
Contributors For Current Release
Nathan Toone
Csaba Kozák
Andrew Bowley
Marek Kedzierski
App Annie
Lyubomyr Shaydariv
Noe Beuret
Hoyt Summers Pittman
Andy Piper
Johan Lindquist
Manfred Moser
Core Committers
Manfred Moser
Benoit Billington
Malachi de AElfweald
Johan Lindquist
William Ferguson
We would also like to thank the Maven and Android community members and everybody else out there for any help we received in our issue tracker and beyond.
Release performed by Manfred Moser
More Information
Documentation, issue tracker and more can be found on the plugin website.
Please join the Maven Android Mailing List for relevant discussions.
Enjoy and congratulations to everyone involved.