- Final touches to the slides and material for the #android #maven workshop at @AnDevCon done. Uploading now. Class later today #
- Slides and material for #android #maven workshop from @AnDevCon are up. @hudsonci @jenkinsci @SonatypeNexus http://t.co/dSGeafPx #
- Slides for my successful lighting talk at @AnDevCon are up even though I probably stepped on a few toes. http://t.co/pdFEFX6B #
- Got an impressive demo of the battery powered games sdk from @johnfrey99 yesterday. #androiddev #
- Great. Looks familiar… @tornorbye: New configuration chooser in the ADT layout editor: http://t.co/MC31FgqJ #androiddev #
- Don't forget the book signing at @AnDevCon at 11:30 today to get Repository Management with #sonatypenexus from me.. #
- The book signing at @AnDevCon to get Repository Management with #sonatypenexus from me has been moved to 12:45. See you there! #
- Fireside chat at @AnDevCon was a roaring success imho. http://t.co/CnlA4Zh5 #
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