- Its been a long time coming. RoboGuice 2 is out! @androiddev without it is so much more painful.. get it! #
- Interesting numbers about mobile gaming in one of those fancy info graphics. http://t.co/0dJt4KWV #
- Great to see #maven #hudsonci #git and more being so useful. @waynebeaton: The Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure http://t.co/Xh0ss077 #
- No you don't. Real torture is NO build server. 😉 @cammerman: Ok, I officially get it. Slow build server == torture. #
- Bang.. within minutes release announcements for new versions of #hudsonci as well as #sonatypenexus arrived. Time to test and upgrade! #
- Don't forget to come to tonights #vijug meeting about the openStudent project #yyj http://t.co/Y5MhvP4n #
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