- Or better use Roboguice 😉 RT: @JakeWharton: Put this in your base activity: public <T> T findById(int id) { return (T) findViewById(id); } #
- Got a great interested crowd at the #maven 101 training today. Everyone definitely deserves lunch now! @SonatypeCM #
- Quick! @ddossot: I'm available for part-time contracting. Ping me for some #erlang #java #groovy #api #rest #messaging #mule love 🙂 #in #
- Besides a workshop about #maven hosting the fireside chat and a book signing I will be doing a lightning talk now at @andevcon FUN! #
- Awesome quotes and tidbits about build tools here http://t.co/XdrGtw2w #maven #sbt #
- The #vijug meeting is all ready to go #opensource #java #yyj http://t.co/Y5MhvP4n #
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