AnDevCon III Fireside Chat – Tricks of the Trade

It is time again for AnDevCon (three already!) and with that it is time for me to host another fireside chat. All the previous fireside chats at AnDevCon and AnDevCon II were a big success covering different topics from Android community leadership to tablet development and we hope many of you are going to attend again and make it a great discussion for everyone else thanks to your input.

Our topic for the open panel fireside chat will be Tricks of the Trade. More and more developers have considerable experience working on Android application development all day and we would love to host some of these pro’s like yourself to chat about their specific tricks and tips. What could those tricks be?

  • Do you have a specific Android API that has proven extremely useful to you and seems to be overlooked by others (like TextWatcher for form validation or the weightSum layout parameter
  • How about a development tool like Droid@Screen or a build tool like the Android Maven Plugint?
  • Do you do device swap and testing meetings across multiple developers?
  • What about your release and Google Play related tips and tricks?
  • Or how do you get useful feedback from users and actual usage patterns of your app?
  • What about libraries you could not live without like ActionBarSherlock or RoboGuice

If you have any answer or ideas to any of these questions or are interested in some of the answers or ideas of others, you should come by to the fireside chat on Wednesday, 16th May 2012 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The event will be outside the regular AnDevCon time so it will be free to attend even if you are not an AnDevCon attendee.
If you plan on attending AnDevCon and have not registered yet you should take advantage of the discount code “MOSER” when you get your registration.

And if you know you will be attending, please send me a message to let me know and I will add you to the list here:

We look forward to see you there!

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