- The next Nexus training I am hosting will cover the new Nexus 2.0 features as well and there is a $100 discount now.. http://t.co/WCmBqUNi #
- Hit 4k on stackoverflow. Not too shabby considering I just pop here here and there. http://t.co/0WWMji7G #
- Wow… automatic screenshots during Android instrumentations tests coming to the #android #maven plugin. http://t.co/fa6qTira #
- So true … but only "just" works in many cases. ♻ @unclebobmartin: A sad observation: Legacy code is code that works. #
- Thanks a lot for sharing the project setup. A great example for others. ♻ @github: Introducing Gaug.es for Android https://t.co/iCfGPDdJ #
- Now that @SonatypeNexus supports .Net packages should the central repo host them and allow push via http://t.co/VUUni6Jq .. I think yes! #
- Glad you like the #android #maven plugin @royclarkson … next release will have screen shot feature!!! #
- Want to learn about #android dev? Register for @AnDevCon with discount code MOSER and save big time http://t.co/Buk5fdXZ #
- Going through a massive changelog to create human readable version for QA and customer. Wow.. a lot has changed. #
- A good write up! Check it out. ♻ @VincentBostoen: Continuous Delivery Using Maven http://t.co/ohy6IOY7 #
- You want to see @jvanzyl demo .Net stuff on @sonatypenexus 2.0 … feels alien to me but great for the .net community! http://t.co/huDFbCMG #
- What a great post about build and release processes @tobrien Looking forward to the next steps. http://t.co/NKC0aBBb I love crazy machines #
- VIJUG meeting next week! Purely social http://t.co/joj986Zv #yyj #
- If it were true, you would not have to remind anyone. ♻ @hansolo_: Just to remind everyone…JAVA DESKTOP is back…yay… 🙂 #JavaFX #
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