- Exiting week started. Nexus 2.0 launch with lots of cool new features. Maven 101 training with me as trainer. I am sooo busy. #
- Awesome. Nexus 2.0 is live. Pro and OSS, new website, updated book, videos – the works. Go get it while its hot. http://t.co/yl2wBdiO #
- The updates for the Nexus book I wrote cover new features of 2.0 features and slightly changed configs. Check it out http://t.co/3aHUnKzS #
- It will be! ♻ @rssfed23: attending #mvn101 tomorrow with @SonatypeCM & @simpligility – should be a good, informative day! #maven #
- With Sonatype Nexus 2.0 out another major software is ready for #java 7. Keep it coming everyone! #
- After the notifications and voice activation now permissions will come to iOS. It is getting more and more similar to #android 😉 #
- The #maven fundamentals class is a go. We got users on all platforms .. love the diversity 😉 #
- More magic by @tobrien “@SonatypeCM: Nexus Pro 2.0: Availability Architecture – Smart Proxy http://t.co/ykGZNcZk #sonatypenexus