- Retiring a bit to raise kids is a perfect reason! Enjoy! ♻ @Macarse: Wow. @codinghorror is leaving Stack exchange:
http://t.co/9tjXaiqd # - Want to learn about DSLs? Listen to this SoftwareEngineeringPodcast with +Martin Fowler and +Markus Völter is great! http://t.co/p6nRvoGX #
- So @SamsungMobileCA and @Motorola_CA where is ICS for the Nexus S and the Xoom. I thought I got developer devices with my hard earned $ #
- About time. Lots of companies are lining up to replace them though.. ♻ @timbray: O frabjous day! Patent troll pwned: http://t.co/J4FyEZwi #
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