- Done a few more improvements for the #android #maven plugin. Looks like we should push a 3.0.1 release out soon. http://t.co/DTBPSQWn #
- Wow… @JakeWharton is on a roll of awesomeness around @AndroidDev .. do you sleep some times Jake? #
- Released #maven #android sdk deployer with updated readme for the #android sdk r16 release. http://t.co/eXIH4Zeg #
- Should be interesting. ♻ @TWiT: Just posted: FLOSS Weekly 194: MySQL And MariaDB http://t.co/r5wLImTG #
- Man .. I am on a roll today. #android dev with #roboguice and the compatibility library rocks! #
- Evidently android string and string-array resources have a undocumented flag translatable="false". Great to use with lint! #androiddev #
- Alright – thanks @Motorola_CA – my xoom got updated to #android 3.2. Looking forward to get ICS next. #
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