Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-13

  • #JavaFx / #Visage actually looks pretty neat for #Android dev. Might have to see if I can get it to build with #maven @steveonjava #
  • The testing workshop at #AnDevCon was packed! Well over a hundred people. Now I need some refreshment for my voice.. #
  • Presentation for testing #android app is live #
  • The slides about apache #maven for your #android builds as presented at @AnDevCon are up. #
  • Listening to @cnkurzke and @commonsguy about #GoogleTV I like the controller with mandatory keyboard. #
  • The fireside chats last night we're GREAT. And today @AnDevCon is off to a great start as well. Learning lots.. #
  • Watching @romainguy and @chethaase demo #android ics at @AnDevCon I can't wait to get it on my Nexus S. #
  • The new GridLayout is in the compatibility library. Sweet! Gotta check it out when I get back… @AnDevCon @AndroidDev #
  • In @emmby 's class about #roboguice … live coding. Sweet. #
  • Quoting @emmby "I use Maven all the time so I forget that live is hard if you don't use it" … Love it and could not agree more. #
  • Problems building the #roboguice example from the @AnDevCon class with ADT 14+? Change the android maven plugin version to 3.0.0-alpha-13 #
  • Updated roboguice calculator example with working maven build at github @emmby #
  • Exactly. Bring it on!!! RT @huettermann: A #protip for all who complain about unfixed bugs in open source software: fix it yourself! #
  • After the keynote at @AnDevCon now.. Come with your coffee or ice cream to the #android #maven book signingfor a free book. #
  • Book signing done and plenty of happy #maven #android users around. Back at #roboguice now. #
  • Having a pen with your tablet really would make a whole bunch of things nicer. Eg my boys would love drawing with it. @htcdev @AnDevCon #
  • Also keynote at a developer conference that actually shows some code and dives in. Thank @htcdev for not wasting time with marketing only. #
  • Home after a rocking @AnDevCon thx to @emmby @donnfelker @JakeWharton @cnkurzke @commonsguy @BZK80 @suzalex and many other new friends #
  • News about testing #android apps from @AnDevCon #tdd #bdd #ci #
  • Same at @AnDevCon – refreshing. @jhirn: Loving the lack of #Maven hate at #clojure_conj #
  • Are you in town? @waynebeaton: Anybody who would vote for Ottawa as Canada's most beautiful city has never been to Victoria. #
  • Now we need it in the compat lib. @romainguy: Introduction to Android's new layout, GridLayout #androiddev #android” #

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