- You need an ExpandableListFragment for your @androiddev here you go http://t.co/AGcHA1VO and vote here http://t.co/Jzs5Ybhb #
- Macports has been compiling stuff in the background for a few hours now. #
- Don't forget to come to tomorrows #vijug meeting at #inhub #yyj about #heroku http://t.co/QgBtFPpt #
- Time to come to the #vijug meeting about #heroku and #java in the cloud at @inhubcowork in #yyj http://t.co/QgBtFPpt #
- When using #heroku the developer does not need to know about physical or virtual servers! Just the app code. #nice #
- #heroku is pretty sweet. With the git publisher plugin you should be able to do continuous deployment from @hudsonci .. I like it! #
- I updated the #android chapter in the free #maven reference book. Enjoy! http://t.co/VtNoeax5 #
- #heroku looks like a damn nice way to get your #java and other apps into the cloud. #
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