- #robolectric 1.0 has been released! A must check out for any serious @AndroidDev #
- Watching all the #javaone11 interviews @tobrien did. Great discussions on a variety of topics http://t.co/EiayLDkh #
- ♻ @reckless: I can't say I'm surprised at all to find that Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) is being paid by Microsoft. http://t.co/QpTdvAAf #
- Hey @juvenxu can you help @robolectric make it to central please.. http://t.co/gOScaEYR #
- Is it just me or is creating event on facebook broken for a few days now? #facepalm #
- What a shame! #fail ♻ @michaelg: No more Code Search will cripple my favorite Chrome extension, Android SDK Search http://t.co/98Pku6gA #
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