- Starting the day with merging some pull requests for the #maven #android plugin. #awesome #opensourcerules #
- I use #hudsonci it to build #ksoap2 android, the #maven #android plugin, a bunch of #android app cc: @danibluebishop #
- oh and I also build #latex #docbook and #asciidoc based documentation and presentations with #hudsonci cc @danibluebishop #
- Awesome changes in master for the next release of the #maven #android plugin. Finally got issue 4 fixed hopefully. #
- New release of the #android #maven plugin with some great enhancements yet again. http://t.co/7yyiElU #
- Now somebody tell #google to get their act togehter too please. RT @SonatypeCM: JBoss Moves to Central http://t.co/twZJ8WI #
- Either #skype sucks or @tobrien s internet connection sucks.. #
- So what do you reckon? Is my answer about real time #android close to the mark? http://t.co/4w90DHi #
- Hit 2k on #stackoverflow .. editing privileges for me. Muahahahaha #
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