- Wow.. the default centos livecd does not seem to have a install to harddisk feature. #fail #whatisthepoint #
- OSCON for coffee and robots – I will bring some #android to #osconj and hope to meet you there http://goo.gl/KbMWY #
- That is a good thing imho.. ♻ @tobrien: I'm overtly contrarian. It's official. #
- And yes later this year I will be presenting at AnDevCon 2 .. #maven #android #testing #hudson http://goo.gl/9mYRA #
- Registered for the JVM language summit before oscon .. will probably blow my mind #osconj #
- Downloading Eclipse Indigo 😉 #
- Congrats on the 365 days @reventazon … not a noogler anymore 😉 #
- New release of ksoap2 for #android done. Now lets use some of these wrapper to cut down code.. http://goo.gl/WJnid #
- YYYeeesssss! You make me laugh @javaposse .. #
- #stackoverflow used to be great but quality of questions is seriously deteriorating. Using it less and less. #
- Really enjoyed the #eclipse indigo demo at #vijug from @irbull tonight. Egit/github integration and mylyn/bugzilla integration look sweet! #
- Awesome!! ♻ @tornorbye: JavaZone trailer, full version – http://jz11.java.no/trailer_video.html I had forgotten how great The Shining is. #
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