- Any #git masters know how to completely reset a remote master branch to match upstream? I am stuck. http://goo.gl/8bX5y #
- Just like with the do unto others this is wishful thinking.. ♻ @KentBeck: Code unto others as you would have them code unto you #
- Can the #git master help me please 😉 http://goo.gl/8bX5y @matthewmccull #github #
- Slowly but surely I am getting more and more advanced with #git #
- Anybody that says #git is easy to use has no idea. Don't get me wrong – it is very powerful, but definitely NOT easy. #
- Awesome .. android as usb host as of 3.1 .. this rocks!! #
- Wow… arduino based hardware to integrate with #android for hardware hacking. This is going to explode and rock! #
- Wow… #google is going all out with #android Hardware hacking, music, movies, home automation, tv #
- I sure hope that Google books will work outside the US with #android 3.1 #
- Google launching Go support after Python and Java, but before e.g. JavaScript smells of #notinventedheresyndrom #
- Any hints for strictmode instance count violation #android @AndroidDev http://goo.gl/pQbaz @bradfitz #
- Looks like r11 of the #android ADT is available as well as 3.1 of the platform. #
- Upcoming #vijug meeting about code generation by @abstratt … Come to learn and discuss! http://goo.gl/r7c9n #
- On the #hudson webinar about the new #maven integration. Great features so far. And its going to make it into the next release! Sweet. #
- Managing settings.xml across a @hudsonci grid will be much better with the upcoming #maven integration. #
- Wow… webapps just became very appealing. Google takes 5% from #chrome web store apps revenue vs 30% from #android apps. #
- As usual when it comes to product launches Canada is excluded and NOT considered another state of the USA. Hm.. #
- Wow… Google is making more big steps with #chrome and #chromebooks after all the #android stuff. #
- Looks like I will be going to portland for #oscon #java this summer to present about #opensource #android tooling. #
- Not sure if multiple apk support is a good or a bad thing. I guess it is necessary, but I still don't like it. #android #
- Best practice is to respond to user comments on #android market, but there is no feature to do that in the console (and not coming either). #
- I have no insight at all whats going on but I have a feeling that things are changing somehow with regards to #android #google and #oracle #
- Everybody seems to be wanting the layout tool for #android tool. Why? I find clicking around in a UI to be ineffcient… #
- Submitted a patch to the #maven #android plugin that can install or uninstall app on ALL attached devices #androiddev #
- Submitted a #javaone proposal today. We will see how it goes 😉 #
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