- Great example on how a remote api can empower the user #hudson #groovy http://goo.gl/5E3Oz #
- After a whole bunch of coding I am enjoying some writing now.. #
- Tried to wake up for the #hudson webinar. Failed… too much coding and writing until late in the night.. #
- I will not be attending the #at amp;t #motodev webinar about the #atrix since microsoft live meeting does not work on linux or mac for me #fail #
- Talking to @Macarse about #honeycomb support for #roboguice I need to get a #xoom Is it worth importing to #cdn from the states? #
- Looks like my #roboguice clone work with #guice 3 .. #androiddev http://goo.gl/XECmj enjoy @Macarse @emmby #
- Mercuria #hg is kinda like #git with #svn syntax #
- Nice… I am writing too atm ♻ @jyeary: Cleaning up my email and getting started on material for book. #
- Fingers xed RT @edd We'll be notifying #OSCON speakers in early April. Pushed back date as we added OSCON Data & Java. ~1200 fab proposals #
- Making some progress for automatic deployment of an apk to all attached emulators with the #maven #android plugin. Should be sweet.. #
- Very cool! ♻ @intellijidea: [blog] New concept of Android SDK in IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 #
- Hiding the soft keyboard on #android in the right time but showing it in other can be a pain to manage. #
- I think it should be made much harder for users to use old versions of a software. Auto update and make it hard to get an old version! #
- The latest release of the #maven #scm plugin supports encrypted passwords in settings.xml. Sweet! #
- Next #ubuntu verion getting close. Beta 1 today. I am going to do a complete reinstall to get rid of years of cruft. Should be fun. #
- Love the xml config too! ♻ @burke_eric: I've had it with Guice. Spent last weekend converting my Android project to Spring and loving it. #
- Hahaha RT @brian_frank: It's April 2, which means we can all go back to believing everything we read on the internet. #
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