- Congrats! Well deserved! ♻ @ericcloninger: Woohoo!!! @MOTODEV Studio wins Best Mobile Product at #eclipsecon Way to go, team! #
- That would be great! ♻ @romainguy: I'd like Chet and I to write the equivalent of http://t.co/BHiwVMg for #Android #
- Dear oscar.. use snapshots! ♻ @oscarsalguero: Dear @Google, please make the Android Emulator to lauch faster! :'( #
- Wish I could be ..♻ @alexRuiz: Attending "Android Development with Eclipse" with @tornorbye and @droidxav. Really cool stuff! #EclipseCon #
- Created an example app for third party integration with intents. #androiddev rocks #
- Oh man… subversion is a pain .. let me just get it in and switch to git-svn quickly.. #
- #vijug meeting about #aws coming in an hour or so… see you there http://goo.gl/qa3EA #
- Pull request accepted and processed. I guess I am a #hudson committer now.. #
- Great presentation about #aws by Jeff Barr at #uvic with large audience. #
- Someone asked me about my cool 3D application switcher running on the #mac My answers its #KDE on #ubuntu ! #
- Usage example pls ♻ @romannurik: Implementing the Dashboard pattern? I just wrote this custom layout that can help: #
- Interesting tidbit from #twig … google tv has chrome in it (although only v5), android still has custom webkit based browser #
- Could the not-yet open sourcing of #honeycomb have anything to do with the #rim #playbook support for #android #
- Awesome! Into Maven central shortly too! ♻ @crazybob: Guice 3 is out! http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/ Way to go, Sam Berlin! #
- Submitted a proposal for #oscon about #android One more to go. Fingers crossed 😉 #
- Workshop proposal about #android development aspects for #oscon submitted as well now. Time for a rest. #
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