- Awesome. Must update! RT @olamy: cool surefire 2.8 release has reached central repo (with this new feature ) #
- Tying up various loose ends from #andevcon #
- Chasing down minor bugs .. I will get you! Don't try to confuse me. #
- In case you missed my late night posts and tweets with the #andevcon recap…http://goo.gl/yQauc http://goo.gl/nIxtI #
- Nice. The #hudson release build is now fully automated and plugins go via Nexus OSS to Maven central. #
- The dependency notification and change listener stuff in the new #maven integration for #hudson is awesome. I can think of a ton uses. #
- I love how my app looks like in japanese. Good thing I know the app because otherwise.. #
- You should read this if you blog.. or tweetâ™» @timbray: Things about Blogging: http://goo.gl/u6p4w (a last-decade-flavored piece) #
- I wish I could go to EclipseCon even though I dont even use it.. #
- Listening to #thisdeveloperslife just rocks. I am also one of those people that is interested in almost everything.. #
- Find minor #hudson bug, fork repo, clone to local, fix bug, push, create pull request, 10 minutes later back to work. Thanks #github #
- #maven uses convention over configuration is bad. Ruby on Rails does the same and it is deemed good. Same for #Grails #Gradle. Explain? #
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