Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27

  • Good thing I can build a non-obfuscated apk. Otherwise this would be just painful. #androiddev #proguard #
  • Hahaha .. retweeted about a plumber as a victim of a SEO sales pitch and now I got @PlumberUpdate following me. So here… I use pex not cu. #
  • I love refactoring, especially when you end up with less code in the end. thanks #roboguice @AndroidDev #
  • Update of the #maven #android sdk deployer supporting 3.0 honeycomb release now available. #
  • Is the Loader stuff going to be in older platform versions in a static library like fragments? @AnDevCon @timbray @retomeier @romainguy #
  • ddms finally has a decent icon… what was that old one anyway? @AndroidDev #
  • Tab based command completion now works in #android emulator #thanks @AndroidDev @droidxav @tornorbye and team #
  • Any ideas how to determine element of url from webview shouldOverRideUrlLoading #

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