- Listening to #unsupportedoperation talking about #roboguice and no aop .. all triggered by my blog post http://goo.gl/vMzzE #
- Sweet.. @hugojosefson pulled all my #maven #android samples enhancements upstream. #
- Wow… I would love one to start using fragments.. @alsutton: Just been offered a free Tablet to help port #Android to it. Happy days. #
- Amazing how awesome the #thisdeveloperslife podcast is. Totally hooked. Must listen for any #dev #
- Any help to reliably detect PDF support on Android device http://t.co/tXKMJve #
- The #android icon generator rocks. http://t.co/iaeISJV #
- Great insights. Why does Oracle not speak up like that? @Brian_Fox: Hudson's Bright Future: http://t.co/VN4ttng” #
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