- More #google #guice for #android and #maven central. Robguice ftw! Thanks @jvanzyl @emmby @Brian_Fox and Sam Berlin. #
- Good move! “@java: Oracle nominates SouJava to the JCP Executive Committee. #IOUC http://t.co/EbyrrT4” #
- Great idea. ♻ @burke_eric: For thorny Android UI problems, Google searches frequently bring up answers from @romainguy. Let's clone him. #
- Using android:tag instead of android:id makes layouts easier reusable across multiple applications. I wish someone told me that earlier. #
- Same here.. ♻ @twoofour: $android update sdk –no-ui #
- Hm.. should I add support for the new #android sdk update to the #maven android sdk deployer .. "HoneyComb" as version seems a bit silly #
- Thanks for the honeycomb preview sdk .. I just wish you would have given it a better version like honeycomb-alpha-1 @droidxav @AndroidDev #
- Wow… the new emulator for honeycomb #android plays back video much better! #
- Whoa.. there gotta be a lot of stuff in Honeycomb… the android jar is 3MB bigger (form 8 to 11) @AndroidDev #
- The #maven #android sdk deployer now supports honeycomb. http://goo.gl/wMCrT Get going with those tablet apps 😉 #
- LibreOffice, Android, Jenkins, No Rails Netbeans… wow. Oracle just doesn't get it at all. #
- On my way to Vancouver #yvr to see @timbray at the #android dev meeting. #
- Working at #wavefrontac before the #yvr #android developer meeting starts.. #
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