Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-07

  • Released version 2.5.2 of ksoap2 #android project adding https transport and other things @AndroidDev #
  • Want to learn about #scala , cloud computing and #gridgain Come to the upcoming #vijug meeting! #
  • Using it every day! ♻ @twoofour: Eclipse haters rejoice: IntelliJ IDEA gets Android support (via @keineantwort ) #
  • Sometimes the hard things are done in seconds and then the polishing of small things takes for ages. #android @AndroidDev #
  • Think about using shrinkColumns and stretchColumns with #android tablelayout.It sometimes fixes seemingly unrelated issues. @AndroidDev #
  • Very nice.. ♻ @ko5tik: working on lightweight #OCR library for #android – image slicing code works: #
  • Yes .. I win! BitmapFactory.decodeResource is dpi aware. decodeFile is not … so use drawable-nopdi !! @AndroidDev #android #
  • That should be true even if you review your own old code.♻ @rgladwell: when reviewing my colleague's code is it normal to wish I was dead? #
  • ROFL!! @IntoMobile How iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry Users See Each Other #
  • When using #proguard on your #android app, you should really make sure to -keep your R class… @androiddev #
  • #svn merges really stink… it just buggered up my #maven pom totally. Good thing I checked. #
  • Turning fastScrollEnabled on for all my listviews. Why is this not on by default? #androiddev #

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