I love how life keeps throwing opportunities and challenges at me and experiencing the personal growth I gain from taking them onboard and running with it. Recent things that I remember fondly are big changes like starting my own company, completing home improvement projects and of course every day again and again being a dad of three little, but fast growing rascally boys. Smaller things are reading and thoroughly enjoying books like ReWork. And then there are events like yesterdays AndroidTO developer conference for Android. It was the first such conference in Canada and in my opinion a huge success. I was invited to present by Puleen Patel and took up the opportunity and made my way all the way from Victoria.
So what did I gain from the event? Well, it was great seeing the other presentations and feeling comfortable with the topics. Most code snippets and slides trigger the “been there” kind of feeling. But of course there were other like working with Google TV that I have not experienced (yet), but sound like a lot of fun. My talk about Maven and Android builds paired with continuous integration servers, using external libraries and testing seemed to get quite a bit of interest and I had some great chats to a bunch of Maven users and learners afterwards. Most importantly I got to meet a lot new people as well as meet twitter and mailinglist acquaintances and hopefully turned many of them into friends. Special shout outs definitely go to Matthew, Greg, Pearl, Chris, Rob, Puleen and Carmen. And last but not least I would like to inform you about another change that I am experiencing with simpligility. The team is expanding fivefold and I am proud to introduce you to my new co-workers that will undoubtedly raise simpligility technologies’ output and quality to new levels:
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