3, 2, 1 .. Blast Off. simpligility technologies inc is launching the web site to bring you our excitement and services.
We have big plans for the web site and simpligility technologies inc. as a company. Trying to launch the perfect site however could take a while so true to the theme of simpilicity and agility the site is up.
What works best for software development projects, also works best for a company web site. Get it out there in front of your customers as soon as possible to gather feedback and improve it continuously. Rather than waiting until everything is just right, which in my critical eyes probably will never happen, I am giving you a first cut of the simpligility technologies inc. website. Without a whole library of technical posts or a fancy design. Just plain simple content brought to you in an agile fashion.
Expect to see a lot more coming to the site though, so check back regularly or subscribe to the feed. Give us your feedback and contact us for our services.